What Is a Pour-Over Will?

A pour-over will ensure that specified assets are transferred to a predetermined trust immediately upon your demise. Say you have a trust fund, but you still retain control over some real estate properties that are not in the trust. You can craft a pour-over will such that the real estate properties are automatically transferred to the trust if you die so that you can avoid the intestate succession laws of your state. [Read More]

Divorcing A Bully: The Importance Of Legal Representation In A Difficult Divorce

It's never easy to get a divorce, but it is even harder when you are trying to deal with a difficult person. Whether you are trying to flee a domestic violence situation or your ex is simply a person who refuses to negotiate the divorce with you, a divorce lawyer makes the process easier. With an attorney in place, you have someone that can manage communication with your ex so that you don't have to communicate directly. [Read More]

What You Need To Know About Getting Alimony

When you get a divorce and do not have a way to support yourself, you can seek alimony to support yourself. This is common with stay-at-home parents to kids or homemakers. It can be more difficult to find immediate employment if there is a wide gap in a work history. Here are some things you should know about getting alimony after a divorce: What Do You Need to Provide to Court? [Read More]

How Juvenile Criminal Convictions Can Affect Your Child's Life

The effect of a criminal conviction on your child's life doesn't end after the child has served their sentence. Some consequences can follow the child for the rest of their life. Below are examples of these long-term consequences. Education A juvenile conviction can affect a child's education in several ways. First, the criminal justice process can interrupt a child's schooling if the child has to make court appearances or gets incarcerated. [Read More]