3 Legal Steps You May Need To Take After Divorce

If you are a new divorcee, there are several things you may need to do before you can start a new life. Read on to learn 3 common legal steps you may need to take following the finalization of your divorce.

Change your name and retitle property

If you changed your name when you got married, you may prefer to take back their maiden name after divorce. Should you decide to do this, you should inform your divorce lawyer, like Blumenauer Hackworth, in advance so they can work the process into the divorce proceedings. This ensures the name change happens smoothly before the divorce is finalized. However, you can still file to change the name separately after the final divorce decree.

The next important thing after the name change is to retitle all necessary property in your own name so as to prevent your ex-spouse from placing a lien on it after the divorce. Your divorce lawyer can help confirm that all property handed to you in the divorce decree has no lien placed on it by your spouse and help you contest any lien that was wrongly placed.

Enforcement of the divorce decree

After a divorce, you may find that your ex-spouse refuses to cooperate with the decree. In such cases, you may have to request an enforcement of the decree so as to get what was allocated to you by the courts.

A divorce lawyer can help with this by submitting an official copy of the decree to the county where the contested property is located. Divorce decrees are typically recognized throughout the country, so filing for enforcement will usually help you recover property even if it is in another state.

Prepare for a restraining order

While most divorces end in a civil manner, some may end up in antagonism, necessitating that you get a restraining order against your ex-spouse. Preparing for this eventuality prior to the divorce can help make the process easier after the final decree.

Most states will require that you demonstrate a clear track record of violent behavior from your ex-spouse prior to issuing a restraining order, so be sure to document any hostile encounters, detailing the times and dates. Additionally, report any instance of physical abuse to the police and inform your divorce lawyer about them. That way, you will be able to quickly obtain the protection you need should the divorce end badly.

The above legal steps can help you smoothly transition into life after divorce, giving you a fresh start.
