How Do You Deal With Your Debt When You Get Divorced?

Divorce can be a challenging and complicated process, especially when it comes to dividing up assets and liabilities. One important issue to consider is what happens to debt after a divorce. Here are some things you need to know: What Is Debt? Debt can take many forms, including credit card balances, mortgage loans, car loans, student loans, and other types of debt. During a divorce, debt is typically categorized as either separate debt or marital debt. [Read More]

Divorce Lawyers: Here's What You Should Do To Win Your Divorce Case

Even if you have agreed to have an uncontested divorce, the process can still be financially and emotionally taxing. For this reason, you have to be adequately prepared for it. Unfortunately, most spouses overlook certain aspects of their divorce just because the circumstances seem a bit favorable. This shouldn't happen because your interests and rights could be violated, and you could minimize your chances of a favorable outcome. The process can be smooth and less expensive if it's properly handled. [Read More]

Can Passengers Get Payments For Injuries Suffered In A Ride-Share Collision? Find Out

Ride-share services offer convenient transport for numerous people around the country. Unfortunately, some clients who hire ride-share vehicles suffer severe injuries if the car is involved in a collision. Many survivors require expensive medical treatment that can cause them to accrue huge debts quickly. If you're in such a situation, it is advisable to consult a lawyer from a reputable personal injury law firm to discuss your situation and know your legal options. [Read More]

4 Times To Discuss Your Estate Plan With An Attorney

Your plans for your estate are about more than who will make decisions and get what. They are about preserving your interests and rights in your legacy. Doing that as fully as possible means engaging legal estate planning services when the circumstances change. People in these four situations should discuss their estate planning efforts with counsel. Life Changes One of the biggest reasons to use estate planning services is to make sure the people who are most important to you will have what they need if pass suddenly. [Read More]